Wednesday 20 August 2014


OK so... The other day I wrote a blog post about how I was going to do the 7 day no make up challenge, but, erm, I kinda failed... It's now day 3 and I have put make up today and yesterday, I'M SORRY!  I just couldn't help myself, yesterday i went shopping with my friends so I didn't want to go out looking really ugly and today I went to my nans house so again I was leaving the house so I didn't want to leave the house looking ugly -.-  However I have stuck to exfoliating my face at night and using spot treatment...

In other news I reached 75 followers, which is kinda mad because I've only been blogging since the middle of July! :)

I also have a YouTube Chanel which is called Shannon Plant, so go check it out and i would really appreciate it! I'm going to be uploading videos every Friday and vlogs whenever!  I already have my days 1 - 5 holiday vlog up, I'm going to post the rest tonight, so go check it out and my first Friday video is going to be the 50 questions tag! I'll post a link to my YouTube channel below.

At the minute I'm trying to post a blog post everyday but this might be hard when I go back to school because I'll have exams and stuff so I'm going to start thinking about a routine, any suggestions would be really helpful!

YouTube channel
7 day make up challenge vlog post

Love Shannon

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