Saturday 13 September 2014

Blogger bestfriend?

Ok so...
I've been blogging for around a month and a half and I am so close to 200 followers!  All I really want is a blogger best friend, we could do blogging co1labs/ tags, talk about fashion and make up, tell each other how we could improve our blogs etc... so here is my description of the type of blogger that I'm looking for...
I'm looking for someone who blogs about the same sort of things that I blog about, like makeup, fashion and anything that is going on in their life. I would prefer them to be around my age so like 13-17 years old, I think I would just find it easier to talk to them.  I would like it if they had the same amount of followers as me, it would feel weird if they had like 200 more followers than me...  But the most important thing that I want in a blogger best friend is for them to listen and just be there, just like I would be with them!
If you are interested in becoming my blogger best friend either comment on this blog post, send me a DM me on Instagram ( or email me (
Thanks for reading
Love Shannon

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