Friday 26 September 2014

This or that tag

Ok so...
i haven't posted In agessss and I'm living with my nan for a week while my mum and dad are on holiday so I have decided to go with a easy blog post (that i was meant to post yesterday)
blush or bronzer
lip gloss or lipstick
eye liner or mascara
foundation or concealer
neutral or colour eye shadow
pressed or loose eye shadows
brushes or sponges
OPI or china glaze
Long or short
Acrylic or natural
Bright or dark
Flower or no flower
perfume or body splash
lotion or body butter
Body butter
body wash or soap
Body wash
lush or other bath company
jeans or sweat pants
long sleeve of short
dresses or skirts
stripes or plaid
flip flops or sandals
Flip flops
scarves or hats
studs or dangly earrings
necklaces or bracelets
heels or flats
cowboy boots or riding boots
Cowboy boots
jacket or hoodie
forever 21 or charlotte russe
Forever 21
abercombie or Hollister
curly or straight
bun or ponytail
bobby pins or butterfly clips
Bobby pins
hair spray or gel
Hair spray
long or short
light or dark
side sweep bangs or full bangs
Side sweep bangs
up or down
Rain or shine
Summer or winter
Fall or spring
Chocolate or vanilla
Thanks for reading
Love Shannon

Friday 19 September 2014

review - NYC all day long smooth skin foundation.

Ok so...
about 3 weeks ago I bought the NYC foundation and my plan was to a first impression video but I forgot :( and because I've had it a few weeks and used it pretty much every day there's no point in doing a first impressions so instead I'm going to do a review!
So overall this foundation is AMAZING!  I love it and for only £2.50 it was a barging!  I bought it in Superdrug when the NYC make up was on offer and it's just perfect!  It is the perfect shade as well, which is a big thing for me because I have freckles but my skin colour is really light so I can't get shades which are too light or shades that are too dark, so this is the perfect shade!  It has good coverage and lasts all day and also blends really well with my concealer!  It's just perfect and I would recommend anybody to get it, I think there's around 6 or 7 shades but I got it in shade Classic Ivory.

I hope you liked this blog post!
Thanks for reading
Love Shannon

Thursday 18 September 2014

I havent posted in agesss - 99 questions tag

Ok so...
I'm bored and haven't posted in ages so I'm going to do the 99 questions tag!
1:Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Closed, I cant get to sleep with them open :(
2:Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
3:Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
bed sheets tucked in but the duvet tucked out, even at the end of my bed!
4:Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
No, didn't even know people stole street signs?
5:Do you like to use post-it notes?
6:Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
I use Superdrug offers on receipts because I get them from my beauty card but I don't use coupons
7:Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
Bees, cause I'm the queen Bee so they'd just bow down :))
8:Do you have freckles?
Yep and I HATE them!
9:Do you always smile for pictures?
Nope, Peace and pout...
10:What is your biggest pet peeve?
I don't know if you'd class it as a pet peeve but when people don't use manners, like please and thank you it really annoys me!
11:Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
only when I'm really bored!!!
12:Have you ever peed in the woods?
Nope, eww gross
13:What about pooped in the woods?
Nope, even worse!
14:Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?
At school with my friends when I'm really hyper and we all just start dancing
15:Do you chew your pens and pencils?
16:How many people have you slept with this week?
17:What size is your bed?
18:What is your Song of the week?
Oh Cecilia by The Vamps
19:Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
yeah... why would it not be okay?
20:Do you still watch cartoons?
Nope, unless I'm with my baby cousin.
21:Whats your least favourite movie?
I don't know I hate quite a few films, it would probably be The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings...
22:Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
where I hide MY food in my house (nobody ever finds it) which is behind the draw in my bedroom with a bit of a gap!
23:What do you drink with dinner?
Flavoured Water
24:What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
Tomato Ketchup
25:What is your favourite food?
Chicken nuggets
26:What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Nick and Norah's infinite playlist and The Fault in Our Stars!
27:Last person you kissed/kissed you?
If my dog counts...
28:Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
I was a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide and now Ranger!
29:Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
30:When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
I write letters to my sister all the time when she's mad at me and then she keeps them all in a little box!
31:Can you change the oil on a car?
no, wouldn't have a clue where to start!
32:Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
Don't drive.
33:Ever ran out of gas?
Don't drive.
34:Favourite kind of sandwich?
Cheese spread obvs :)
35:Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Pop tarts!
36:What is your usual bedtime?
like 10:30 on school nights and whatever time I fall asleep at the weekends.
37:Are you lazy?
38:When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
a witch :)
39:What is your Chinese astrological sign?
I don't know what that means...
40:How many languages can you speak?
English, Text, Emoji and sarcasm :*
41:Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
42:Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
I don't know what either of them things are...
43:Are you stubborn?
44:Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
I don't know who they are...
45:Ever watch soap operas?
when do I not watch soaps... (Eastenders and Corrie are the faves)
46:Are you afraid of heights?
47:Do you sing in the car?
Yep, who doesn't sing in the car???
48:Do you sing in the shower?
Depends who's in the house and if the window is open
49:Do you dance in the car?
50:Ever used a gun?
51:Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
school picture last Friday (if that counts)
52:Do you think musicals are cheesy?
No, High school musical is a bit but they're cuteee
53:Is Christmas stressful?
In my  house YES because all the family come round to eat!
54:Ever eat a pierogi?
Don't have a clue what that is???
55:Favourite type of fruit pie?
None, don't like fruit pies
56:Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Business woman
57:Do you believe in ghosts?
58:Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
All the time
59:Take a vitamin daily?
yep, for growth
60:Wear slippers?
61:Wear a bath robe?
no, I put my pyjamas on straight after I get out of the shower.
62:What do you wear to bed?
63:First concert?
west life
64:Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
We don't have them in England.
65:Nike or Adidas?
66:Cheetos Or Fritos?
Never had either of them before
67:Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
68:Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
69:Ever take dance lessons?
Morris dancing
70:Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
71:Can you curl your tongue?
72:Ever won a spelling bee?
73:Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
yeah, all the time.
74:Own any record albums?
75:Own a record player?
76:Regularly burn incense?
77:Ever been in love?
78:Who would you like to see in concert?
79:What was the last concert you saw?
The Saturdays
80:Hot tea or cold tea?
Hot tea
81:Tea or coffee?
82:Sugar or snickerdoodles?
83:Can you swim well?
84:Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85:Are you patient?
86:DJ or band, at a wedding?
87:Ever won a contest?
an artist competition when I was about 9!
88:Ever have plastic surgery?
89:Which are better black or green olives?
90:Can you knit or crochet?
knit a bit
91:Best room for a fireplace?
front room
92:Do you want to get married?
who doesn't
93:If married, how long have you been married?
Not married
94:Who was your HS crush?
95:Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
96:Do you have kids?
97:Do you want kids?
98:Whats your favourite colour?
99:Do you miss anyone right now?
I know this was long, it took ages to write but thanks for reading
Love Shannon

Monday 15 September 2014

Favourite Quotes!

I was supposed to upload this yesterday but I completely forgot!  Sorry :(
 I have decided to share my favourite quotes with you! This isn't in order but these are my favourite quotes :
* “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” - Dr Seuss
* “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” - Oscar Wilde
* “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” - Bernard M Baruch
* “You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” - Dr Seuss 
* “In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.” - Robert Frost 
* “I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” - Marilyn Monroe
* “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” -  Ralph Waldo Emerson
* “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” - A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)
* "If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart and I'll stay there forever" - A.A Mine (Winnie-the-pooh)
so they are just a few of my favourite quotes but my all time favourite quotes are Peter Pan quotes, here are a few of my favourites:
* “To die would be an awfully big adventure.”
* “All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.”
 * “Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.”  
* “Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.”
 * "Second to the right, and then straight on till morning" 
Thanks for reading
Love Shannon

Sunday 14 September 2014

TMI tag

Ok so...
Instead of doing the update of the week  
I haven't been tagged to do this but I have seen people post about it so I thought why not?

1: What are you wearing? My Primark dinosaur pyjama bottoms, where's wally pyjama t-shirt and my camping socks #fashion
2: Ever been in love? With Joey Essex yes but in reality nope!
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?  no. 
4: How tall are you? 4ft 11 
5: How much do you weigh? I  have no idea, I don’t really weigh myself.
6: Any tattoos? nope
7: Any piercings? just my ears, once!
8: OTP? Troyler!
9: Favorite Show? The only way is Essex.
10: Favorite bands? BUSTED!!! McBusted, The vamps, 5SOS.
11: Something you miss? Being 5!
12: Favorite song? My all time favourite song is defiantly crashed the wedding by Busted. 
13: How old are you? 15
14: Zodiac sign? Capricorn (I think)  
15: Quality you look for in a partner? Anyone who is fun, nice and has a good personality
16: Favorite Quote? I recently did a favourite quotes blog post, but my  favourite quote is probably... “Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.” - Peter Pan
17: Favorite actor? Joey Essex
18: Favorite color? Pink
19: Loud music or soft? If I have earphones in – Definitely loud.  
20: Where do you go when you’re sad? I don't really get 'sad' I just hold all of my feelings in but them I go to my bedroom and put my headphones on! 
21: How long does it take you to shower? about half an hour 
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Around half an hour
23: Ever been in a physical fight? No I have had really bad arguments though.
24: Turn on? I don’t really have turns on, I think the term ‘turn on’ is just strange!
25: Turn off? If you have bad manners.
26: The reason I joined Blogger? 'I just wanted somewhere I could go and write stuff and just be myself! none of my family members or friends have ever read my blog, they know about it but I won't let them see it, this is because I wanted something that could just be mine and I wouldn't have to share it with people that didn't truly understand me, and I'm a really Awkward person as well so it would be just awful,  like you don't even know...'
27: Fears? I wasn't scared of anything until my mum and dad made a scarecrow the other day and they left it in the kitchen and they didn't tell me so I walked in and thought there was a dead person on the table (they stuffed a onesie with hay) I cant walk past it without getting scared, I'm scared it's going to reach out and grab me!!!
28: Last thing that made you cry? I cant remember the last time I cried... the last time I got 'emotional' was today, I went out shopping with my family and while we were shopping my sister started an argument with me so I started arguing back and my mum shouted at me so I walked off and ended up walking home on my own, I don't think my family realised how much It upset me, I just felt so alone! :(
29: Last time you said you loved someone? This morning after my dad ordered me my McBusted phone case! :)
30: Meaning behind your Blogger Name? It doesn't really have a meaning, it's just Shannon's Blog haha!
31: Last book you read? The Fault in our stars! I don't normally read books! 
32: The book you’re currently reading? Paper towns
33: Last show you watched? Here comes Honey Boo Boo!
34: Last person you talked to? My nan.
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? well the last person I text was a number that wasn't saved to my contacts asking if I had Geography homework so it was probably my friend!
36: Favorite food? Chicken Nuggets
37: Place you want to visit? America. 
38: Last place you were? My bed
39: Do you have a crush? Nahh ;)
40: Last time you kissed someone? probably my dog 
41: Last time you were insulted? Today by my family :)
42: Favourite flavour of sweet? This is hard because I only really eat chocolate but I always have the strawberry and raspberry wine gums and fruit pastilles
43: What instruments do you play? none
44: Favourite piece of jewellery? I have a necklace with a huge pink see through stone thing and diamonds
45: Last sport you played? I don't play sports 
46: Last song you sang? Somewhere in Neverland - All time low
47: Favourite chat up line? I hate chat up lines, they're so cringy!
48: Have you ever used it? I don't know what 'it' is but I'm guessing it's something strange so I'm saying no
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? if school counts, Friday!
50: Who should answer these questions next? EVERYONE
Well, I know this is different but I hope you liked this blog post.
Thanks for reading
love Shannon

Liebster award 3!!!

Ok so...
I've been nominated again!  This time I was nominated by Miss student style, Thank you! xx
ok so the questions I got were:
1) What made you start your blog?
I have answered this question so many times so I'm just going to copy and paste my answer from my other blog post  'I just wanted somewhere I could go and write stuff and just be myself! none of my family members or friends have ever read my blog, they know about it but I won't let them see it, this is because I wanted something that could just be mine and I wouldn't have to share it with people that didn't truly understand me, and I'm a really Awkward person as well so it would be just awful,  like you don't even know...'

 2) What sort of posts interest you the most?
What's in my bag and what I got for... posts because I'm a really nosy person so I just like seeing things that other people have got!

 3) If you had to live off one food what would it be?
Chicken Nuggets, when I went on holiday in the summer I had them everyday for 2 weeks!!! :)

 4) Make up product you can't live without and why?
Mascara, I wear it all the time because my eyelashes are so small!

 5) Who inspires you the most?
Joey Essex, he's been through so much to get to where he is and he's worked so hard for it, he's dealt with everything life throws at him and I respect and look up to him for that!

 6) What would your dream wardrobe consist of?
Lots of fur coats!  I saw one in Debenhams the other week and ever since then I have been begging m mum to buy me one! Also lots of jumpers and shoes (vans)

 7) If you could be anyone for the day who would it be?
I would either be a you tuber, IGGY, Joey Essex or Brad Simpson

 8) What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
it'll all be okay in the end and don't  care what people think, you're going to get judged anyway!

 9) Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter and why?
Winter, I can't be dealing with the sun in the summer, I think I'm like half vampire or something, I wouldn't chose autumn because I hate leaves, spring is just boring!  I would defo say winter because I love hot chocolate and wearing big oversized jumpers and ugg boots and just the feeling right before Christmas!

 10) If you could create a perfume what would be its title?
it'd probably be something strange like 'Queen Bee' or something and smell of honey :)
so I know this is cheating but I don't know any blogs that haven't already been nominated for the Liebster award so I'm just going to re nominate the people I nominated last time because I don't think anyone actually did it so  my nominations and questions are:
1) What is the most important thing in your life?
2)  who is your favourite singer/  what is your favourite band?
3) what is your favourite childhood memory?
4) which is your favourite season? why?
5) what do you like most about blogging?
6) how did you decide on the name for your blog?
7) what is your favourite quote?
8) who is your celebrity crush?
9) why did you create a blog?
10) what make up brand is your favourite?
11) what would you say is the best thing in the world?
Here are the Rules
1. Link back to the person that nominated you in your post
2. Answer all questions they have given you
3. Nominate 11 more bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate for the award
4. Think up 11 of your own questions for your nominees to answer
Love Shannon


Saturday 13 September 2014

Blogger bestfriend?

Ok so...
I've been blogging for around a month and a half and I am so close to 200 followers!  All I really want is a blogger best friend, we could do blogging co1labs/ tags, talk about fashion and make up, tell each other how we could improve our blogs etc... so here is my description of the type of blogger that I'm looking for...
I'm looking for someone who blogs about the same sort of things that I blog about, like makeup, fashion and anything that is going on in their life. I would prefer them to be around my age so like 13-17 years old, I think I would just find it easier to talk to them.  I would like it if they had the same amount of followers as me, it would feel weird if they had like 200 more followers than me...  But the most important thing that I want in a blogger best friend is for them to listen and just be there, just like I would be with them!
If you are interested in becoming my blogger best friend either comment on this blog post, send me a DM me on Instagram ( or email me (
Thanks for reading
Love Shannon

MUA lipsticks!

Ok so...
Today I'm going to do a review sort of blog post about my MUA lipsticks, at the moment I only have 4 because I used some up and I am planning on getting more when they get back in stock at my local Superdrug, but here are the 4 that I have...
1) MUA professional London lipstick in shade 4. 
I love this lipstick because it's quite light and natural looking so I can wear it for school, work or just when I want to look like I'm not wearing a lot of make up.  It's long lasting and it was only £1, one other thing I LOVE about MUA lipsticks, is the bottoms because the bottom of the lipsticks can screw off and there is a little bit of lipstick in the tub, it's amazing.

 2) My second lipstick is the MUA professional London lipstick in shade 12, this is my favourite MUA lipstick EVER!!!  I love this lipstick and I wear it all the time, it's like a bright pink with glitter in it.  It's more of a summer lipstick but I'm sure that I can work with it for the winter too!
3) The third MUA lipstick I own is the makeup academy lipstick in shade 3.  I have only used this once because it is really bright so it is only really wearable when I go out to parties so I have only used it once but the colour is amazing and I love it!
4) the final MUA lipstick I have is a matte lipstick, this is the only matte lipstick I have and it is amazing, I wear it all the time and it is the makeup academy matte lipstick in shade 'pouty pink'.  It's not very long lasting but it is matte and it is a really nice colour!
I hope you liked this blog post.
Thanks for reading
Love Shannon

Thursday 11 September 2014

Sunday style.

Ok so...
As most of you know, well those people who read my blog know I work in a charity shop!  Obviously I have to look nice because I am dealing with customers and the public so I just though that I'd share what I would normally wear on a Sunday to work.
Firstly I'm going to tell you about the make up that I wear.
I use NYC all day long smooth skin foundation in shade 737 Classic ivory, I like using this because it lasts all day, It applies really nicely!
I then use my 2true 3 in 1 concealer in shade 2.
As a powder to give my foundation a matte finish I use the collections pressed powder in shade 01 candlelight, and I know that this is going to sound really strange but one of may favourite things about this powder is the smell of it, the main reason for this is that when I was little my mum had the number 7 pressed powder and it smelt amazing, so it just reminds me of that!
I then use my number 7 matte blush in soft damson.
Then I do my eye make up, I use my NYC individual eyes palette in shade 941 Smokey browns.  I use this to create the Smokey eye effect.
For Mascara I use 2, I use the Avon super enchant mascara in shade black and I use the MUA lash boom volume and length in shade black/brown.  Now before anyone says anything I know that Black and brown aren't technically shades but that's just the Colour.  I use two mascaras because I like my lashes being extra longgg...
After I have done my eye make up I put on my lipstick, I use the MUA lipstick in shade 4.  I only use I light shade for work because I don't want to be too made up, I want a more natural look.
Just in case anyone was wondering the brushes I use are all from Wilkos, and they are from the new range.  I use the blush brush, the retractable Kabuki brush, the eye shadow brush and the Smokey eye duo brush.
The perfume i use is the Nicki Minaj perfume, I don't know which one it is but it smells amazing.
I don't have to wear a uniform but I do have to look presentable, the T.shirts I normally wear are Henry Holland T-shirts, and they are amazing so I would normally wear one like this which I got from Debenhams:
I normally just wear my jeans and a bright coloured belt. I bought the jeans from New Look and I cant remember where i bought the belt from...
I then put on my jacket, If it is the winter I wear my super dry coat but in the summer I just wear this thin bomber jacket that I got from Debenhams which is also Henry Holland.
Ok so then I put my shoes on and I have 2 types of shoes that I wear depending on the weather, if it is nice I will wear my £3 Primark shoes and if it is raining or it isn't as nice I wear my Nike blazers or my vans or converse etc...
Ok so I forgot to take pictures of what I was wearing but I did take my make up pictures and here they are...
I hope you like this blog post!
Thanks for reading
Love Shannon