Wednesday 8 July 2015


Hey everyone, I was thinking that I would do a blog post about art... I absolutely love art, I took it for one of my GCSE options in high school and now I'm going on to do a Level 3 Btech in Art and design at College!  Ever since I was little I've always known that I didn't want to just work in an office, to me that is the boringest thing I could ever think off, but I couldn't draw (and still can't) but when I got into high school I realised art was anything so I took a different approach, instead of drawing I used words and little quotes and it was so much fun! I really wanted to be a fashion designer but that changed when I went to my college interviews, they told me that my art work was excellent and that I would go on to be a graphic designer (making posters etc.) I wasn't sure at first but I researched it and it looked really good and the artwork was similar to the sort of thing that I was doing, it seems like the perfect thing to do!

I started making things for my bedroom just after I had my bedroom decorated, before I had it done my mum and dad didn't really like posters being on the wall (but they got used to it) and I told them that when we decorated I wanted a picture wall where I would stick all of my pictures from when  was little until now and it would be like a memory board, I really liked this idea until I realised how long it would take and with shelves on the walls it would be really hard, I don't have a feature wall either so that made it quite difficult!  I then noticed that I had nothing on the inside doors of my wardrobe so I wrote down a lot of small quotes and stuck them on the door, this was know known as the "quote door" it took me around 6 months as I did the top and then had a huge break and then realised that it was incomplete so I finished it. 



I also make posters of quotes or songs that I like, I get the quotes off the internet (Instagram) and I make them my own, I do everything from The Fault In Our Stars to Inspirational quotes.  I do them so that they are colourful and then I stick them on the wall so that everyone who enters the bedroom can see them!

I am currently working on one which should be finished by the end of the day, I might do another blog post like this one in a few weeks so that you can see more artwork, I am also working on a memory book, I have stuck in the pictures and now I just have to write the quotes and stick in the stickers, but I'll do a blog post when I've finished that!
Thank you for reading, please let me know if you liked this post so I can do more blog posts like this in the future!
Love Shannon
x x

Wednesday 17 June 2015

My nail routine!

Whenever I look at other peoples blogs I always notice that they've wrote a blog post on some sort of skin care routine, but for me I don't really have a proper skin care routine (I know that I should) but I do have a nail care routine that I do almost every single day!  I have always liked having my nails painted, and I think I'm quite good at painting my nails, even at school when a teacher told me that I couldn't wear it I still did because for me that was the only way that I could express myself, school wasn't too harsh on having nails painted, they would just ask for it to be removed so it wasn't like I was breaking the rules too much!  I have so many nail varnishes, in so many different colours and I have my nails painted a different colour around every two days, in the winter I like to paint my nails darker colours like brown or black, and in the summer I like to paint them brighter colours like Orange, Pink, Blue etc.

The first thing I do when I decide to paint my nails is use my Ted Baker hand cream, I go this as a Christmas present from my mum and dad and I use it every day and I really like it, individually it costs £8.00 at Boots, which does seem quite expensive for hand cream but it is fantastic and I love it, it works amazingly and it keeps my hands feeling soft all day!  If £8.00 is too pricey, I also have an Avon hand cream which works just as well, this is priced at £3.60 but is on offer at the minute for £1.00 - £1.80!

I then file and if needed, I cut them, I don't use proper nail scissors because I don't like the curve and they always leave a jagged edge which is really hard to file so I just use small scissors and I file them down, I only cut them when I desperately need to!

I then put on a base coat, I prefer to use a light pink instead of a clear nail polish as I think it gives it more of a base which means that you can build up the colour quicker.  I use the MUA in shade 18, it doesn't have a shade name but it was from the old collection so they don't sell it anymore but they have brought out a new collection and the shade Natural days seems identical and it is only £1!

After I have put a base coat on I need to pick a colour, this is the hardest part for me because I have soooo many nail varnishes, but I picked one of my nail varnishes by Fearne, it is in the shade Air balloon, I got this in a set for Christmas and unfortunately Boots don't have them in stock anymore, but they are definitely worth looking out for as I only need one coat and they last on my nails for ages!

Finally I add a top coat, I used my Barry M Basecoat Topcoat & Nail hardener all in one, this is a really good topcoat, I find it really hard to make my nail varnish stay on but this is a miracle, it's so good and I would recommend it to anybody! I think that it is available in most stores, I know that Tesco, Boots and Superdrug all have Barry M stands which it would be available from and the price is £2.99!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! I will try to link everything that I have mentioned below :)

Love Shannon xoxo

MUA nail polish in natural days

Ted-Baker Hand Cream

Avon hand cream

BarryM All in One Nail Paint

Saturday 4 April 2015

Where have I been?

Hey everyone, I haven't posted any blog posts in months and I just wanted to give you a little update on my life!

So firstly I'm finally 16! I haven't done a blog post since before Christmas so you obviously won't know! I'm also in year 11 so I will be sitting my GCSE exams next month which I kind of scary!  I have so much revision to do so that is the reason why I haven't posted in months but I do want to start posting again because I really like blogging and fashion and make up.

Secondly, I have done lots of shopping recently so I have loads of hauls that I could upload.  I might also do a hair care blog post because it has almost been a year since I had my hair cut!

But apart from exam stress and sleepless nights my life is actually pretty good at the minute! I can't wait to start blogging again!

Thursday 30 October 2014


Ok so...
The last post I posted was me saying that I would try really hard to get my blog back on track but I know that I've failed it, It's just that I have so many exams at the minute so its really important that revising is my main priority!  So I've decided that for the time being I'm just going to post when I get time.

I'm going to be doing a haul post today!!!
It feels like I haven't posted in ages but I have been on a mini MUA haul and OMG I'm so excited to use these products I don't think I've ever been this excited to try out some make up in ages!

So the first thing I got was a lipstick which is in shade 16 'nectar'.  I'm really impressed with this lipstick for two reasons, the first being that when I got it I thought it was going to be a kind of pale nude colour but when I put it on it was bright orange which at first came as a bit of a shock but afterwards I got used to it I really liked it!  The second reason I'm impressed with this is the lasting power, I find with other MUA lipsticks they don't stay on very long and I'm not one of them girls who carry make up around with them and touch up, once it starts coming off I just leave it, which I know that I shouldn't but... anyway it lasts for at least ages, I wore it today and put it on at around 12am and it only started to come off at around half 5 to pm.  So overall I'm impressed it's an amazing colour plus it was only £1!

The second thing I picked up was the starry night palette.  I wasn't going to get this but there was an offer on where it was 3 for 2 and triple points in Superdrug so I why not? I like this palette because of the colours, I like how there are darker colours and then silvery colours but there is only one bright colour which is pink.  I also like how there isn't any matte shades, I love matte eye shadows but I feel like I can do more with sparkly non matte colours and these colours are great for Christmas!!!

The next palette isn't mine and it wasn't part of my haul BUT I just wanted to talk about it, it is the Glitter ball palette and the colours in it are AMAZING!  Again non of the colours are matte but they are all so nice and bright and they're just really easy to work with!

Finally, the last thing I picked up was the 'Elysium palette' now, this is the thing I was most excited about, I think that it looks AMAZING, I love it because it has like the 2 different sides, one side is all shimmery and light colours and the other side is ark and smoky.  I first saw this on the MUA Facebook page and I was like "WOW I need this really bad"  I haven't tried it yet but it just looks so good and you get matte and shimmery shades which make it even better plus you can have a mess around with both sides!

Ok so, I suppose you're all wondering where the pictures and swatches are? right? well my phone was being an idiot and hating on me so it wouldn't let me transfer the pictures to my laptop but when it finally works I will edit them in but for now I'll just leave the links...

Lipstick - £1 (click here)
Starry night palette - £4 (click here)
Glitter ball palette - £4 (click here)
Elysium palette - £6 (click here)

Love Shannon

Saturday 4 October 2014

I'm back!

Hey... so it's been about 3 weeks since I've done a proper blog post and I'm really disappointed in myself :(  When I first started this blog around 2 months ago I used all my ideas and posted a blog post every single day, I do kind of regret that to be honest, looking back I wished I had saved the other blog posts as drafts and just done a blog post every week or even twice a week, if I would have done that I would have more to post about.  However I just feel like I'm trying to make excuses for myself and I just need to be honest with myself, I am so proud of myself that my blog has reached 181 followers! I didn't even expect to reach 2 never mind 181 in just over 2 months!  from this blog post forward (if that makes sense) I'm going to try an post a decent blog post at least twice a week and a tag every Thursday...  I think this is a realistic goal and I think it is possible I just need to figure out days and I'll start posting again, I PROMISE!!! xxx
Love Shannon xx

Friday 26 September 2014

This or that tag

Ok so...
i haven't posted In agessss and I'm living with my nan for a week while my mum and dad are on holiday so I have decided to go with a easy blog post (that i was meant to post yesterday)
blush or bronzer
lip gloss or lipstick
eye liner or mascara
foundation or concealer
neutral or colour eye shadow
pressed or loose eye shadows
brushes or sponges
OPI or china glaze
Long or short
Acrylic or natural
Bright or dark
Flower or no flower
perfume or body splash
lotion or body butter
Body butter
body wash or soap
Body wash
lush or other bath company
jeans or sweat pants
long sleeve of short
dresses or skirts
stripes or plaid
flip flops or sandals
Flip flops
scarves or hats
studs or dangly earrings
necklaces or bracelets
heels or flats
cowboy boots or riding boots
Cowboy boots
jacket or hoodie
forever 21 or charlotte russe
Forever 21
abercombie or Hollister
curly or straight
bun or ponytail
bobby pins or butterfly clips
Bobby pins
hair spray or gel
Hair spray
long or short
light or dark
side sweep bangs or full bangs
Side sweep bangs
up or down
Rain or shine
Summer or winter
Fall or spring
Chocolate or vanilla
Thanks for reading
Love Shannon

Friday 19 September 2014

review - NYC all day long smooth skin foundation.

Ok so...
about 3 weeks ago I bought the NYC foundation and my plan was to a first impression video but I forgot :( and because I've had it a few weeks and used it pretty much every day there's no point in doing a first impressions so instead I'm going to do a review!
So overall this foundation is AMAZING!  I love it and for only £2.50 it was a barging!  I bought it in Superdrug when the NYC make up was on offer and it's just perfect!  It is the perfect shade as well, which is a big thing for me because I have freckles but my skin colour is really light so I can't get shades which are too light or shades that are too dark, so this is the perfect shade!  It has good coverage and lasts all day and also blends really well with my concealer!  It's just perfect and I would recommend anybody to get it, I think there's around 6 or 7 shades but I got it in shade Classic Ivory.

I hope you liked this blog post!
Thanks for reading
Love Shannon