Saturday 4 October 2014

I'm back!

Hey... so it's been about 3 weeks since I've done a proper blog post and I'm really disappointed in myself :(  When I first started this blog around 2 months ago I used all my ideas and posted a blog post every single day, I do kind of regret that to be honest, looking back I wished I had saved the other blog posts as drafts and just done a blog post every week or even twice a week, if I would have done that I would have more to post about.  However I just feel like I'm trying to make excuses for myself and I just need to be honest with myself, I am so proud of myself that my blog has reached 181 followers! I didn't even expect to reach 2 never mind 181 in just over 2 months!  from this blog post forward (if that makes sense) I'm going to try an post a decent blog post at least twice a week and a tag every Thursday...  I think this is a realistic goal and I think it is possible I just need to figure out days and I'll start posting again, I PROMISE!!! xxx
Love Shannon xx

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