Sunday, 14 September 2014

Liebster award 3!!!

Ok so...
I've been nominated again!  This time I was nominated by Miss student style, Thank you! xx
ok so the questions I got were:
1) What made you start your blog?
I have answered this question so many times so I'm just going to copy and paste my answer from my other blog post  'I just wanted somewhere I could go and write stuff and just be myself! none of my family members or friends have ever read my blog, they know about it but I won't let them see it, this is because I wanted something that could just be mine and I wouldn't have to share it with people that didn't truly understand me, and I'm a really Awkward person as well so it would be just awful,  like you don't even know...'

 2) What sort of posts interest you the most?
What's in my bag and what I got for... posts because I'm a really nosy person so I just like seeing things that other people have got!

 3) If you had to live off one food what would it be?
Chicken Nuggets, when I went on holiday in the summer I had them everyday for 2 weeks!!! :)

 4) Make up product you can't live without and why?
Mascara, I wear it all the time because my eyelashes are so small!

 5) Who inspires you the most?
Joey Essex, he's been through so much to get to where he is and he's worked so hard for it, he's dealt with everything life throws at him and I respect and look up to him for that!

 6) What would your dream wardrobe consist of?
Lots of fur coats!  I saw one in Debenhams the other week and ever since then I have been begging m mum to buy me one! Also lots of jumpers and shoes (vans)

 7) If you could be anyone for the day who would it be?
I would either be a you tuber, IGGY, Joey Essex or Brad Simpson

 8) What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
it'll all be okay in the end and don't  care what people think, you're going to get judged anyway!

 9) Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter and why?
Winter, I can't be dealing with the sun in the summer, I think I'm like half vampire or something, I wouldn't chose autumn because I hate leaves, spring is just boring!  I would defo say winter because I love hot chocolate and wearing big oversized jumpers and ugg boots and just the feeling right before Christmas!

 10) If you could create a perfume what would be its title?
it'd probably be something strange like 'Queen Bee' or something and smell of honey :)
so I know this is cheating but I don't know any blogs that haven't already been nominated for the Liebster award so I'm just going to re nominate the people I nominated last time because I don't think anyone actually did it so  my nominations and questions are:
1) What is the most important thing in your life?
2)  who is your favourite singer/  what is your favourite band?
3) what is your favourite childhood memory?
4) which is your favourite season? why?
5) what do you like most about blogging?
6) how did you decide on the name for your blog?
7) what is your favourite quote?
8) who is your celebrity crush?
9) why did you create a blog?
10) what make up brand is your favourite?
11) what would you say is the best thing in the world?
Here are the Rules
1. Link back to the person that nominated you in your post
2. Answer all questions they have given you
3. Nominate 11 more bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate for the award
4. Think up 11 of your own questions for your nominees to answer
Love Shannon


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