Thursday 30 October 2014


Ok so...
The last post I posted was me saying that I would try really hard to get my blog back on track but I know that I've failed it, It's just that I have so many exams at the minute so its really important that revising is my main priority!  So I've decided that for the time being I'm just going to post when I get time.

I'm going to be doing a haul post today!!!
It feels like I haven't posted in ages but I have been on a mini MUA haul and OMG I'm so excited to use these products I don't think I've ever been this excited to try out some make up in ages!

So the first thing I got was a lipstick which is in shade 16 'nectar'.  I'm really impressed with this lipstick for two reasons, the first being that when I got it I thought it was going to be a kind of pale nude colour but when I put it on it was bright orange which at first came as a bit of a shock but afterwards I got used to it I really liked it!  The second reason I'm impressed with this is the lasting power, I find with other MUA lipsticks they don't stay on very long and I'm not one of them girls who carry make up around with them and touch up, once it starts coming off I just leave it, which I know that I shouldn't but... anyway it lasts for at least ages, I wore it today and put it on at around 12am and it only started to come off at around half 5 to pm.  So overall I'm impressed it's an amazing colour plus it was only £1!

The second thing I picked up was the starry night palette.  I wasn't going to get this but there was an offer on where it was 3 for 2 and triple points in Superdrug so I why not? I like this palette because of the colours, I like how there are darker colours and then silvery colours but there is only one bright colour which is pink.  I also like how there isn't any matte shades, I love matte eye shadows but I feel like I can do more with sparkly non matte colours and these colours are great for Christmas!!!

The next palette isn't mine and it wasn't part of my haul BUT I just wanted to talk about it, it is the Glitter ball palette and the colours in it are AMAZING!  Again non of the colours are matte but they are all so nice and bright and they're just really easy to work with!

Finally, the last thing I picked up was the 'Elysium palette' now, this is the thing I was most excited about, I think that it looks AMAZING, I love it because it has like the 2 different sides, one side is all shimmery and light colours and the other side is ark and smoky.  I first saw this on the MUA Facebook page and I was like "WOW I need this really bad"  I haven't tried it yet but it just looks so good and you get matte and shimmery shades which make it even better plus you can have a mess around with both sides!

Ok so, I suppose you're all wondering where the pictures and swatches are? right? well my phone was being an idiot and hating on me so it wouldn't let me transfer the pictures to my laptop but when it finally works I will edit them in but for now I'll just leave the links...

Lipstick - £1 (click here)
Starry night palette - £4 (click here)
Glitter ball palette - £4 (click here)
Elysium palette - £6 (click here)

Love Shannon

Saturday 4 October 2014

I'm back!

Hey... so it's been about 3 weeks since I've done a proper blog post and I'm really disappointed in myself :(  When I first started this blog around 2 months ago I used all my ideas and posted a blog post every single day, I do kind of regret that to be honest, looking back I wished I had saved the other blog posts as drafts and just done a blog post every week or even twice a week, if I would have done that I would have more to post about.  However I just feel like I'm trying to make excuses for myself and I just need to be honest with myself, I am so proud of myself that my blog has reached 181 followers! I didn't even expect to reach 2 never mind 181 in just over 2 months!  from this blog post forward (if that makes sense) I'm going to try an post a decent blog post at least twice a week and a tag every Thursday...  I think this is a realistic goal and I think it is possible I just need to figure out days and I'll start posting again, I PROMISE!!! xxx
Love Shannon xx