Saturday 4 April 2015

Where have I been?

Hey everyone, I haven't posted any blog posts in months and I just wanted to give you a little update on my life!

So firstly I'm finally 16! I haven't done a blog post since before Christmas so you obviously won't know! I'm also in year 11 so I will be sitting my GCSE exams next month which I kind of scary!  I have so much revision to do so that is the reason why I haven't posted in months but I do want to start posting again because I really like blogging and fashion and make up.

Secondly, I have done lots of shopping recently so I have loads of hauls that I could upload.  I might also do a hair care blog post because it has almost been a year since I had my hair cut!

But apart from exam stress and sleepless nights my life is actually pretty good at the minute! I can't wait to start blogging again!